Shareholder information

Current stock price

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The subscribed capital is 1.936.173,73 euro. It is represented by 13.062.417 shares. The total number of voting shares is 13.062.417 (denominator). Voting rights of own shares held by the company are suspended.


Shareholder structure

42,61% of the shares of Van de Velde NV are held by the public. The other shares are held by Van de Velde Holding NV, which represents the interests of the Laureys and Van de Velde families.

Stock market

13,062,417 shares are constantly listed on Euronext Brussels in compartment B (market capitalisation between 150 million and 1 billion euros). (ISIN code: BE0003839561)

Investor presentation

Presentation 15.06.2023

Dividend payments

Dividend policy

Van de Velde’s objective is to pay out a stable and gradually increasing annual dividend. In doing so, it takes the following factors into consideration:

  • Correct compensation for shareholders in comparison with other companies quoted on Euronext Brussels;

  • Retention of a sufficient self-financing capacity to respond to interesting investment opportunities;

  • Remuneration proportionate to cash flow expectations.

The dividend policy of Van de Velde consists in paying out at least 40% of the consolidated profit, Group share, excluding the result based on the equity method. Furthermore, Van de Velde does not retain excess cash in the organization.

Financial Services

Financial services are provided by Belfius as main payment agent.

Special board reports

Acquisition of treasury shares

Check archive acquisition of treasury shares

Registration of shares in Van de Velde’s nominative shareholder register

If you wish to register your shares within Van de Velde’s nominative shareholder register, you need to contact the bank holding your share account. This bank needs to complete the relevant instruction form provided by Euroclear (‘Demat-005-03’) and forward it to After receipt, Van de Velde will countersign the form and forward it to Euroclear for processing. After receipt of confirmation from Euroclear, Van de Velde will inscribe the shares within it’s nominative shareholder register and provide a share certificate to the shareholder.

As a nominative shareholder, you are personally invited to our annual shareholder’s meeting by regular mail and will receive dividend payments directly on your account wired by Van de Velde (after deduction of any applicable taxes).