
Personal development and good working conditions are extremely important, regardless the job or location


Personal development and good working conditions are extremely important, regardless the job or location

Who, what, where?

What type of jobs? And by whom are the Van de Velde lingerie products made?

B2B - Sustainability - Prosperity - Jobs en wie - België - Afbeelding

Belgium 30%

of our employees are active at the headquarters in Belgium, in Schellebelle (design, marketing, purchase and planning, HR, IT, ...) or the distribution centre in Wichelen (quality control, picking & shipping, cutting fabrics, storage, ...)


Tunisia 55%

of our colleagues work in our own production workshop in Tunisia: this is where (part of) our production is assembled


Worldwide 15%

of the employees work worldwide in a commercial function: they are in direct contact with the local retail partners (the lingerie specialist shops)

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High-quality lingerie requires ‘in-house know-how'

Besides our own staff, many more helping hands are needed to produce all new lingerie and swim products.

Stitching high-quality lingerie is complex and requires special expertise. That is why we are very critical in selecting stitching workshops. We have limited the number of production houses. We choose to centralise know-how to guarantee continuity.

It also explains why Van de Velde runs its own workshop in Tunisia and works with one (permanent) partner in the Far East. 75% of all production is realised on these 2 locations.

A smaller volume (mainly the swim series and accessories) is realised by 2 subcontractors in Tunisia, with whom Van de Velde has worked for more than 15 years.

5,8 million pieces
75% is produced in only 3 workshops
75% is produced in only 3 workshops
30% of production in own workshop in Tunisia / 45% of production by fixed partner in the Far East
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Production & personal development in Tunisia

"Our workshop in Tunisia is a place of development for many women"

Peter Bynens - Managing Director Tunisia

More than 700 women work at the Tunisian plant, still expanding. Van de Velde currently invests in a new building, which will integrate new operational activities. The atelier is a working environment where health, comfort and well-being are high on the agenda. Van de Velde provides shuttle buses, optimal cooling in the buildings, sufficient sanitary blocks.

Personal development is fundamental: the company invests heavily in technical training so employees can continuously learn: around 245,000 hours of training on an annual basis.

Since 2016, Van de Velde Tunisia holds the SMETA label. Similar to the SA8000 certificate in Belgium, this label stimulates to monitor performance on a continous base: how we score and what we can adjust or implement to further improve conditions.

Kondar in Tunisia
More than 700 employees
ca. 35.000 pieces/week
SMETA label
SMETA label
B2B - Sustainability - Prostperity - Productie Verre Oosten

Assembly partner in the Far East

'Van de Velde has been working with its partner in the Far East for more than 30 years. This partner runs a family business and has a work culture very much in line with ours.'

Herman Van de Velde – Chairman of the Management Board

The dedicated partner for assembly in the Far East, was selected at the time because of their knowledge, their commitment to quality and their continuous search for innovation. They are not just a manufacturer, but actively think along on how to improve our products.

Van de Velde is a member of their Management Board, which helps define the policy and its stability. There is a open dialogue and strong exchange. Van de Velde produces lingerie products in three workshops: two in China and one in Thailand. All workshops are under the same management.

China (Lognan & Nan Hai) | Thailand (Maesot)
3050 | 2950
+/- 55.000 pieces/week
WRAP label
WRAP label

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